1. Log in or Register an account if you haven’t done so
2. Choose the product category from the menu bar or click ‘Search’ to search for the product(s) you’re looking for
3. If you have any questions regarding any particular product or stock availability, or anything, please contact us anytime via Chat feature or leave your message and email.
4. If you’re interested in certain products but not ready to buy anything yet, add them to your wishlist using ‘Wishlist’ button.
5. After finding the particular item and select the exact variant (if any) of the product you want to buy, click ‘Add to Cart’ button. When finished browsing for products and ready for checking out, click the cart icon on the right side of the Product menu bar, to overview the order.
6. After everything checked, click ‘Checkout’ button to proceed to the Checkout page, and fill out the Billing and Shipping details, select the shipping method, and select the payment method.
7. Complete the payment process (either manually or online).
8. After the payment successfully received, your order will be processed and shipped out as soon as possible according to the selected shipping method.
To view your order status, click My Account > My Order on the right side of the top main menu.
Ada beberapa add-on VR yang tersedia dan sedang dikembangkan yang dapat meningkatkan pengalaman mendalami VR. Beberapa di antaranya termasuk: Indera penciuman Olfactory virtual reality (OVR) merupakan teknologi yang bertujuan untuk mereplikasi...
There are several VR add-on available and in-development that can enhance the immersion experience in virtual reality. Some of these include: Sense of smell Olfactory virtual reality (OVR) is a technology that aims to replicate the sense of smell...